About me

Hi! My name is Lee-Anne and I am an intuitive channel to give messages and healing from the Angelic Realm.

zulu craft

Early Life

I was born in South Africa, a majestic country but filled with a history of conflict. This has created a country of people struggling to come to terms with corruption, who all the while long for spiritual, emotional, and mental peace.

My parents are good people who tried to raise me in an extremely religious household in the best way they knew how. Unfortunately, emotionally they struggled to express their feelings and I seldom felt unconditional love and acceptance. Acceptance (and love) was based on achievement. I no longer blame them as I understand that it was the lack of emotional warmth they experienced while they were growing up that led them to bring up my brother and me in the best way they knew how.

We moved a lot – I went to 7 schools. A sexual assault at the age of 12 and consequently being called a slut by my father didn’t help. Internally I spiraled downwards and the result of all this is that I grew up with no emotional and mental boundaries and desperately trying to fit in, while trying to prove to my parents that I was good enough.

The Downward Spiral Continues

At the age of 21, I married a covert narcissist and 4 years later we relocated to the UK for work.

For years I struggled to deal with the mental and emotional traumas and the only way I believed I could survive was to silence my voice and try to please everyone around me. Every day in this strange country I felt lost, abandoned, and out of options. This led to a near attempt to end my own life because I couldn’t bear the pain any longer.

chain and lock
Light in the dark

Christmas Day

It was in my darkest hours on Christmas Day that something (or someone) spoke into my mind the clear thoughts that this wasn’t what my life was meant to be and that I was stronger than this.

I began to turn my life around. The next day I found a place to live (a rented room in a shared house) and moved out. I divorced my first husband who tried many tactics to force me to return to him including trying to have me removed from the UK. I found a new job and began to build my life again – starting from scratch – and not knowing who I was.


Support arrived in the form of a man who was on his own personal journey and the day I met him; I ‘recognised’ him, even though I had never seen him before. I had a secret knowing that we would be together although I never told him this at the start. We had both been damaged by divorce, so it was a slow process of allowing ourselves to be ‘seen’ by the other person. We married and it has been a joy to let go and learn how to give and receive unconditional love.

Lee-Anne and Olly
lost in the woods

Depression and Chronic Anxiety

Discovering I had depression and suffering from chronic anxiety began the process of climbing out of The Abyss, a spiritual, mental, and emotional hole so deep that I couldn’t see the bottom. When I thought I was at rock bottom, I found there was still more depth to the way the trauma had impacted every part of me.

I had a panic attack at work and I struggled to leave the house at all, even to go to the shops for food. The fear I lived with was enormous.

It Begins

Someone suggested meditation. Coming from a deeply religious background, this was alien to me and not fundamentally Christian. I had been taught that we could meditate ‘on the Lord’ but it was dangerous to empty our minds as this gave space for evil spirits to enter.

As I was so desperate and lost, I felt I had nothing to lose and perhaps this was the rock bottom place where I began to let go of all my beliefs about how one was supposed to live.


Qigong, Yoga, Taoism and Diet

I began to practice yoga and qigong daily. I signed up for an online course given by Wendy de Rosa and my eyes were opened as I realised, I was an Empath (or Sensitive Soul). I continued to meditate daily, I began to study Taoism, and began to change my diet. I had suffered for many years with IBS and digestive pain. I began to eat a paleo diet, cutting out gluten and dairy. This reduced my digestive symptoms and pain. It was like being reborn. I hadn’t realized the level of daily pain until it was no longer there.

Needing a New Direction

As a child, I had always ‘felt’ the presence of God in nature and often talked to my guardian angel, but due to the emotional instability I had experienced as a child I began to feel out of place both in the town or city we were located as well as in my own skin. I used to pray to God for help, but nothing changed and in fact, life became more difficult through my teenage years. I secretly wondered if God had abandoned me or maybe I just wasn’t good enough. My self-esteem was low. I tried desperately to do things to make God love me. I even attended Bible School for 2 years.

On the outside I was a ‘pillar in the Christian community’ but on the inside, I felt abandoned, lost, and unloved.


Shamanism and Dreams

As I began to journey through the Dark Night of the Soul acknowledge my anxiety and depression, and begin to meditate, I felt increasingly drawn to Eastern and ‘New Age’ philosophies. It was during this time that I happened to come across a Shaman course, taught by Sandra Ingerman. Suddenly the world began to open. I learned that Shamans were messengers, connected to the Higher, Middle, and Lower Realms, and with Sandra’s teachings, it became safe to explore spirituality again.

I began to have dreams and write them down, all the while wondering what the messages were saying but not educated in dream interpretation to understand them.

Then my husband had a lucid dream, and this began his spiritual awakening. He became fascinated by the language of dreams and began to study talks by Michael Sheridan. This allowed me to learn to understand the language of my own dreams and realise that every night I was being given guidance and wisdom by my Higher Self and my Guides and Angels.

I was suddenly not alone anymore! What a relief and what a joy!


I joined a course to become a professional Tarot reader and began to trust my intuition.

I went for healings to heal my traumas and break the ancestral cords. Slowly but surely I started to feel the angelic connection when I meditated, and I started to ‘see’ and receive messages for myself and others.

I read books like Conversations with God by Neal Donald Walsch, ‘The Grand Design’ and ‘There Are No Goodbyes’ written by Paddy MacMahon.

Furthermore, I was introduced to Summer Bacon’ an amazing trance channel, who channels Dr Peebles and I also discovered Lee Harris who channels ‘The Zs’.

I subscribed to Wendy de Rosa’s monthly healing channellings to receive divine guidance and healing. I studied Michael Sheridan’s ‘How to Channel’ course and at last, my world began to broaden and make sense.

In my dreams I met my power animal, the Eagle, and my guides – this was a a wonderful experience. In waking life, I connected more deeply with nature particularly, my spirit animal, the Red Kite. I began to express my creativity by making African-themed greeting cards at LACards.uk .

My diet became plant-based and vegetarian and I began to do energy healings and intuitive readings for the neighbours. My practice and connection continue to grow each day. Generally, I feel more at peace and that this is my purpose for being on Earth.