Angel Messages Blog
Life is filled with ups and downs, ‘successes’ and ‘failures’.
Sometimes It’s hard to understand what the bigger picture is all about.
The angels are spirit beings of high vibration, light, and love.
They are here to help us along our journey, with guidance and encouragement.
They can see the bigger picture and they are available and willing to help and support us as we find our way back to light, love, and healing.
How do angels send us messages and can I receive one?
Yes, you can!
Angels communicate with us in a myriad of different ways – remember, love has no bounds, it is unlimited and beyond time and space. Angels communicate by:
- Sound: the perfect song comes on the radio, or someone tells you exactly what you need to hear. You hear the call of an eagle or tweet of a robin and it makes you remember your place in nature. You listen to a message from someone with a gift of channelling and you are inspired. (Join the newsletter and receive a free channelled message just for you).
- Vision: As you walk a feather floats across your path, or you see a sunrise or sunset that moves you. You gaze at a flower or a ladybird and marvel at the world in which we live. Someone sends you, a written message just for you, or a tarot or oracle card answers a question you have been thinking about. You open your imagination and look with your inner eyes or an image that just ‘pops in’ your imagination.
- Smell: a beautiful fragrance that suddenly appears out of nowhere and reminds of you a wonderful memory.
- Feeling: You experience a sudden feeling of being held and hugged] a feeling of delight and joy