The Importance and Value of Daily Journaling

Journaling is a record of your inner journey.

It holds a mirror up and reflects your inner world back to you – the bits you like about yourself and the shadows.

    • it helps us to accept rather than judge ourselves.
    • it helps us to become aware of the different parts or voices inside ourselves – and those parts might be in conflict with each other.
    • it helps us become more grounded.
    • it provides a safe space for the ‘negative thoughts’ to express themselves.
    • it boosts our mental health
    • it improves our communication skills and helps us express ourselves more freely.
    • it helps boost brain capacity.
    • it helps us to keep track of our ideas, dreams, inspiration and creativity.
    • it even helps boost the immune system.

To transform our lives, we need to show up every day! This helps us to form a habit.