This is a channeled message from the angels – to support women who are going through menopause, or PMS.
This message is encoded with an angelic frequency or vibration so allow the healing energy to wash over you and through you.
The more you listen to this message, the more you give permission for an angelic high vibration to come close to you, support you, and heal you.
For so many years women have struggled with menopause symptoms – brain fog, fatigue, irritability, hot flashes, and overwhelm.
For those women who also suffer from PMS symptoms of pain, cramping, fatigue, and brain fog, they come to dread ‘that time’ every month.
As women, we suffer – often in silence.
The angels have so much compassion for us and so much love, but we must allow ourselves to receive it.
We need to let go and give space for them to work on us and heal us.
Whatever they show us is a signpost that we need to honour our bodies and honour who we are.
Allow the healing energy to flow through you.
I send you many blessings and peace
Lee-Anne x