A Time of Purging

A message from the Angels and Guides:

This is a Time of Purging.

Olly and I took Buddy for a walk early this morning.

Here in the UK we are in the midst of a heatwave and if we had taken Buddy for a walk at the usual time after lunch, it would have been too hot for little paws.


The Phoenix  Bird of Fire

This message came to me while I was walking along the Grand Union Canal towpath, which was overflowing with wildflowers, butterflies, dragonflies and the air filled with birdsong. Nature is very calming and I find that it uplifts my soul.

This is a time of purging. Fire purges. Fire transforms.

This time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere we are experiencing Yang energy at its maximum. This means heightened fire energy.

When we allow this fire energy to move in our lives, without resisting, we begin to change.

As we change, we stretch into who we are becoming.

We are being transformed.

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