The new moon in Earthy Capricorn is on Thursday 11th January 2024. Capricorn is the goat and represents the builder or architect.
(the goat)
At the beginning of the year, many people feel the need to make New Year Resolutions. Others are feeling exhausted from the holiday festivities and are looking to tap into new energy.
The new moon energy of Capricorn offers us the opportunity to build positive structures in our lives. These structures could be:
- Physical: eating more of a plant-based diet, going for a daily walk, being out in nature once a day, no matter the weather, and getting more sleep.
- Mental: journalling to develop a path of self-discovery, and/or starting a meditation practice to quieten the monkey mind.
- Emotional: enjoying a creative project to reduce stress, and connecting with other people to find friendship and camaraderie.
The angels offered us advice for January, which in fact will apply to the whole of 2024.
They encouraged us to build and develop inner strength.
If we build structure in our lives, we will develop resilience and be able to face the coming trials and storms that may lie ahead.
Journal Exercise: Create a Vision Board for 2024.
Here are some ideas to help you get started.
- Pick 3-6 affirmations from the list below (or download the pdf. file).
- Try to choose an affirmation for the following areas: Physical, Mental, Emotional.
- Find pictures, words, thoughts, or feelings to describe the above – be creative 🙂
- Print out and pin up your vision board in a place where you will be able to look at it every day.
What are affirmations?
- A positive statement that is declared to be true.
- A positive phrase that is used to challenge an unhelpful or negative thought about oneself.
- A powerful tool to change the subconscious and transform limiting beliefs.
Some powerful affirmations include:
- I am enough
- I am filled with light
- I am strength
- I am joy
- I am expanding my view of life
- I respect myself
- I am a healthy body
- I am learning to love myself
- I am grateful
- I am successful
- I am powerful
- I learn from my mistakes
- I walk in nature every day
- I am love
- I am confidence
- I am courage
- I am peace
- I am creative
- I honour myself
- I am a healthy mind
- I allow myself to be fully me
- I am worthy
- I am confident
- I overcome obstacles
- I am abundant
- I meditate every day
Wishing you much light, love, and expansion as you use the new moon energy to build structures that will support your physical, mental, and emotional growth this year.
Lee-Anne x