January 2024 Full Moon

The first full moon of the year is on Thursday 25th January 2024. It is called the Wolf Moon

white wolf at full moon

Wolf Moon

The name originally comes from the wolves that were often heard howling at this time of the year. It was traditionally thought that the wolves were howling out of hunger, but in more modern times we now understand that the wolf pack howls to mark their territory, locate members of their pack, and co-ordinate their hunting strategy.

Astrologically, the sun is in the air sign of Aquarius (the Water Bearer), while the moon is in the fire sign of Leo (the Lion).

The archetype of Aquarius is that of the innovator and humanitarian, while Leo is the energy of the charismatic leader.

Water bearer


(the Water Bearer)

Leo Star Sign


(the Lion)

What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?

During the New Moon, the earthly grounded nature of Capricorn encouraged us to build positive structures into our lives (even to create a vision board).

Now we are being asked to operate from the heart (a true leader trusts their intuition and their heart) and combine this with our innovative and creative ideas and gifts.

Do you know that in your dreams at night, you are shown your gifts? Gifts are those things that you brought with you to Earth, to share with other people. This is for both your benefit and for those around you, who will be blessed and encouraged when you share your gifts. 

We can create positive changes, which will benefit the collective consciousness – everyone on the planet. As we do this, we raise the vibration (the energy) not just of ourselves, but that of the entire planet.

Heart light

Heart Change

Individually we DO make a difference.

So often we feel like we are just one voice “in the wilderness”, but if each person goes out to make one positive change, it would be like water droplets coming together in a wave rising from the ocean. What’s more, waves are powerful enough to change the landscape.

world map painted on hands

The world is in our hands

Journal inspiration:

Use the ‘What are your Gifts?’ meditation video to answer these questions…

  • What are my gifts?
  • What are my talents?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What guidance are my dreams giving me?

Lee-Anne x

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