February 2024 New Moon (Aquarius)

The new moon in airy Aquarius is on Friday 9th February 2024.

Aquarius is the Water Bearer and represents the energy of the networker or the engineer.

Water Bearer


(the Water Bearer)

The energy of change is available to us. However, sometimes when we look at news reports we can feel overwhelmed and disillusioned. We see, hear, and experience so many conflicts everywhere. We may even ask how is God/Spirit/Divinity/Source allowing this to happen.

The answer is that we have all been given free will – we are all free to act in any way we choose. The consequences, however, may cause much suffering.

Rodin's The Thinker

The Thinker

How do we make a difference in the world?

How do we engineer a better world for both ourselves and others?

It is easy to look ‘out there’ at ‘those people’ who made choices to harm other humans, animals, or indeed the Earth itself, but do we have the courage to turn the mirror onto ourselves?

Remember that everything is energy – and energy is vibration.

  • What vibration are we sending into the world?
  • How can we raise our vibration to send love, light, and healing into the fractured world?

Everything is energy

We go within.

We find our shadows – our blind spots – our rage, anger, fear, frustration, fear, greed, hurt, and pain and we sit with it, gently and without judgment. We become the observer and discover what comes up.

Then we thank the emotion and send it love.

mother comforts child

Love your inner child

We imagine ourselves as a little child, needing comfort, and love. We imagine ourselves being lifted – bruised and in pain – and held in the softest, kindest embrace.

We allow ourselves to feel love and this dissolves those negative feelings.

We allow the ice and the walls we have built around our hearts to thaw, melt, and dissolve.

This is how we raise the vibration of the Earth.

As we all raise our vibration, this sends out a ripple of love and light around the Earth in ways we can’t even begin to imagine.

We allow love to fly,

one heart at a time!

Monarch butterfly

The Butterfly

(symbol of transformation)

At this time of the New Moon, allow yourself to ‘engineer’ a new life for yourself, and in so doing, it will impact the world in a beautiful way.

(I have linked the New Moon channelled meditation for you here).

Lee-Anne x

Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article helpful in some way for wherever you are on your journey. Please feel free to share with friends and family, and I look forward to our next meeting.

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