January New Moon (Aquarius) & Year of the Snake

The first New Moon of 2025, Wednesday 29th January, is in the air sign of Aquarius.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are moving into Spring, and on the 1st February, we will celebrate Imbolc. The Southern Hemisphere will celebrate late summer with Lughnasadh

It is also the beginning of the Chinese New Year, which is the Year of the Wood Snake.


(the Water Bearer)

Year of The Snake

(Wood Snake)

Air signs symbolise our thoughts, ideas and mental processes, and the fixed sign Aquarius, the Water Bearer, represents truth and pure intentions.

In China, snakes represent spirituality because the snake can shed its skin – strip away the old and transform into the new. Therefore, this year is a year of rebirth.

What anxieties, thought patterns and beliefs are you holding onto that restrict or stop you from moving forward in life?

What would your ideal life look like? Now is the time to step up and create something new.

This continues the energy of the New Moon in December – New Ventures, where we were encouraged to be like the mountain goat, clamber out of the lows and reach for new heights of who we want to be.

light bulb of inspiration

To help us in our journey, there is also an astrological phenomenon appearing in our skies. This is the planetary alignment of eight of the nine planets in our solar system.

Look into the night sky and you will see: Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Uranus and Neptune will also be part of the line-up, but you’ll need a telescope to spot them.

I use an app on my phone called SkyMap and it helps me to identify what I’m looking at, when I’m stargazing.

Image from Sky & Telescope

So, what does this mean for us?

It means that everything changes, and so can you.

Choose to be like the snake:

  • Be truthful with yourself and identify a thought, negative belief or anxiety that is holding you back.
  • The first step to creating a new reality for yourself is to thank the negative belief – you created it to protect yourself.
  • Shed the old by telling the belief you no longer need it, because you are safe.
  • Create a new positive belief and use daily affirmations to help you to manifest a real change in your life.

The Thinker


I was re-reading last year’s New Moon in Aquarius. It was a message about how everything is energy – and energy is vibration.

  • What vibration are you operating at in your life?
  • How can you raise your vibration to send love, light, and healing into the fractured world?

Remember that because we live on Earth, things take time to manifest.

So don’t give up and know that even the very Solar System is shouting its support for us from the skies.

I send you bright blessings and the courage to transform yourself.

Gong Xi Fat Choy!

(Pronounced ‘gong shi fa cai;  and is how we say Happy New Year in Mandarin).

Lee-Anne x

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