A message from the Angels and Guides:
This morning I asked for a Tarot message that would show what we need to focus on for the month of August.
Four of Swords
The result was the Four of Swords.
The number four means stability and the suit of swords connects to the element of air, symbolising ideas and mental processes.
Looking at the picture from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, I noticed the heart in the stained-glass window in the background. This means that in the recent past, life has been emotionally quite challenging. We have been looking for peace (note the doves above the heart) but July has felt emotionally topsy turvy.
At first glance one might be forgiven for thinking that the knight is dead – after all he is in a crypt, but rest assured this card does not mean death, merely that the knight has laid down his swords (see them crossed at his feet) and is resting or recuperating.
The message for us from the Angels and Guides is that now is a time to rest and recover. It’s safe and in fact necessary for our transformation to lay down our ideas and plans for a while and focus on our self-care and recuperation.
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