August Full Moon (2) (Super Moon) Focus

The second full moon in August is either on Wednesday 30th August (EDT) or on Thursday 31st August 2023 (GMT), and it is called a Blue Moon.

blue moon

Blue Moon

A blue moon occurs when there are 2 full moons in a calendar month. This is where the saying ‘once in a blue moon’ comes from.

This is also the 3rd consecutive super moon of the year.

A super moon is when the moon is at its closest point to the earth and will therefore appear about 8% larger than normal and up to 16% brighter. The moon highlights the subconscious and what Jung referred to as the inner child, and super moons intensify this energy!

In Astrology when there is a blue moon (2 full moons in a month) the energy is more intense, and as this is a super full moon… hold on to your hats!


Can you feel the energy around you?

Astrologically, the sun is in the earth sign of Virgo (the maiden) while the moon is in the water sign of Pisces (the fish). The archetype of Virgo is that of the craftsperson and one who serves, while the energy of Pisces is that of the dreamer.

Virgo_the maiden


(the maiden)



(the fish)

Full moons are a time of harvest. They usher in a time of culmination or breakthrough for the intentions and dreams we planted during the new moon. This is also a time to feel a greater connection to nature.

What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?

During the New Moon we were encouraged to be confident and discover our inner lion. We were invited to plant the seeds of self-confidence and step into our personal power.

Now we are being guided to harness that positive self-belief and build sacred service into our lives. It is time to lean into our intuition to a greater depth than ever before, and to trust the ‘hits’ or ‘downloads’ that we receive. This will benefit both us and those around us.

Virgo energy can be perfectionistic, but it is important to let this idea go! Rather, if we use honest discernment we can surrender to inspiration and creativity and be confident to go with the flow of life in a deeper way.


Journal Questions:

  1. How do I receive intuitive ‘hits’ or downloads? (images, thoughts, words, signs from nature e.g., a butterfly or a dove crossing my path).
  2. When I receive intuitive guidance, how can I remember to trust it?
book filled with butterflies


Wishing you much light and love as always.

Lee-Anne x

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