The full moon is on Tuesday 1st August 2023, and it is called the Sturgeon Moon.
Sturgeon Fish
In the Old Farmers Almanac this was the time of the year in North America when the sturgeon (the largest freshwater fish) were most easily seen and captured as a food source.
This full moon marks an incredibly rich energy gateway for the following reasons:
- It is the first of two full super moons in August.
- It is the second super moon of the year and the second of four super full moons in a row – an unusual sequence.
- This full moon also marks the entry into the energy of the Lionsgate Portal the following week on Tuesday 8th August.
A super moon is when the moon is at its closest point to the earth and will therefore appear about 8% larger than normal and up to 16% brighter.
The moon highlights the subconscious and what Jung referred to as the inner child, and super moons intensify this energy!
Astrologically, the sun is in the fire sign of Leo (the Lion) while the moon is in the air sign of Aquarius (the Water Bearer).
The archetype of Leo is that of the King of the Jungle, or leader, while the energy of Aquarius is that of the change maker; the one who cares about making their community/world a better place to live for all.
(the Lion)
(the Water Bearer)
The Lionsgate portal is a special time when Sirius (the Dog Star) aligns with the constellations of Leo, Orion’s Belt and the Earth.
This is a time of great energy, giving us a spiritual boost and helping us to evolve more quickly into alignment with who we REALLY are.
Orion’s Belt
Do the constellations and these ‘portals’ really play a part in our lives?
Remember that we are made of the same ‘stuff’ as the stars. We live on a rock made of fire and water that is hurtling through space pulled by the gravitational force of a larger ball of fire (our sun) while another rock (the moon) has a pull on the waters of our planet.
We are not separate from the universe; we are a part of it and the very elements that make up our bodies all came from space.
So, yes, we are affected by these energies.
What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?
During the New Moon we were encouraged to take a time to recover from the turbulence of July, but now we move into a new month, August, with a new energy available to us, if we so choose.
Now’s the time to ‘take the bull by the horns’ and make the changes that will create a better place for both us and others.
In fact, now is the time to ‘BE the change we wish to see in our world’.
Journal Questions:
- What do I want to change in my life?
- How can I manifest this in my life?
- What holds me back from making changes in my life?
Now is the time to move forward – be like the King of the Jungle and don’t be afraid to make your voice heard and roar, but remember to move forward in ways that will benefit all.
If you feel that someone else would benefit from these words, please do share this message.
Wishing you much light and love as always.
Pingback: August Full Moon (2) (Super Moon) Focus – Way Of The Butterfly