Question: What do we need to focus on for the month of September?
Answer: Three of Cups reversed (upside down).
Three of Cups
The Three of Cups (reversed) card and what it means.
Let’s look at the card a little closer …
When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see 3 women holding cups and dancing in a garden. The women symbolise the Three Graces from Greek mythology, who in turn symbolise charisma.
The suit of Cups symbolises our relationship with our feelings and the number 3 means we have begun to connect to our feelings and are now being asked to commit to growing in creativity and self-expression.
This is a card of friendship and camaraderie.
But, as this card is reversed, the questions to ask are:
- Do you feel weighed down by negative energy?
- Do you sometimes find life tough?
- Do you find yourself burdened by the duties and responsibilities that you constantly need to fulfil?
- Do you feel like you’re ‘treading water’ trying to cope with daily life?
- Do you feel lonely?
The answer is:
You’re not alone (even though you may feel so).
Your guardian angel is always with you, supporting you and just waiting for you to talk to them.
Are you worried about feeling silly talking to ‘thin air’? Why? Who will judge you? Yourself?
We talk to ourselves all the time – mostly when we have done something we regret. We berate ourselves and beat ourselves up mentally.
Well, now is the opportunity to turn that upside down.
Your guardian angel (guide) is so very much looking forward to communicating with you, but you have to ask for help; you have to reach out.
They are here but will respect your free will, so they wait for us to ‘make the first move’.
So why not give it a try?
How do I talk to my guardian angel?
Like you would talk to your best friend – the person that knows you better than you know yourself and loves and accepts you completely – just as you are.
They will not judge you!
Just talk! Open your mouth and speak about whatever comes to mind.
Tell them about your day, what brought you joy and what worried you.
Thank them for being with you – gratitude raises your energy, and they are beings of tremendous light, love and energy.
You might like to imagine:
– an angel with wings.
– an orb of light.
– a tall man or woman with blond(e) hair.
Wishing you much joy as you learn to connect with your guardian angel this month.
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