August Full Moon – Being Successful

A rare Blue Super Full Moon is on Monday 19th August 2024, and it is called the Sturgeon Moon.

It is called the Sturgeon Moon because this was the time of the year in North America when the sturgeon (the largest freshwater fish) were most easily seen and captured as a food source.

man fishing under full moon

Sturgeon Full Moon

The Sun will be in the fiery sign of Leo (the Lion), while the Moon will rise in airy Aquarius (the Water Bearer).

The archetype of Leo is that of the king of the jungle, or leader, while the energy of Aquarius is that of the group or community spirit.

fiery lion

Fiery Leo

(the Lion)

Water Bearer

Airy Aquarius

(the Water Bearer)

This will also be a Supermoon, A Supermoon is when the Moon is at its closest point to the earth, which means that it will look up to 30% larger and 15% brighter than normal.

The Moon highlights the subconscious and what Jung referred to as the inner child, and Supermoons intensify this energy!

What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?

During the August New Moon, we were asked to explore what we wanted to create or manifest in our lives. We were encouraged to be bold – like the Lion.

Both Saturn and Uranus rule Aquarius. Saturn represents rules, structure, and boundaries, while Uranus, which spins on its side, represents the eccentric revolutionary or rebel thinker.



the planet Uranus



This is an intense time on Earth. We can be bold, innovative thinkers; considering the rules but not be afraid to question the boundaries.

What is success?

When we walk a spiritual path, we are encouraged to discover more of the light  and the treasure within us.

buried treasure

It’s time to uncover who we are.

So often who we are has been buried due to our unquestioning acceptance of the religious and societal conditioning that we grew up with.

Does it matter:

  • How much money we make?
  • What material possessionswe have?
  • What status we have in our community?
  • How much other people approve of us?

Jiddhu Krishnamurti said, “In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there, and the key is in your hand.

Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.”

J. Krishnamurti


writing with quill and ink

Journal Questions:

  1. What holds me back from making changes in my life?
  2. How can I uncover more of my authentic self?

Wishing you much light, love, and guidance to uncover more of who you are.

Lee-Anne x 

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