August New Moon (Leo) – Time to Manifest

The moon is now in the fire sign of Leo (the Lion).

The new moon was on Sunday 4th August and the Lion’s Gate Portal will be on Thursday 8th August (08/08).

Leo is ruled by the Sun and the Sun symbolises our vitality and life force – the essence of who we are.

fiery lion


(the Lion)

Felucca boat


The Lion’s Gate Portal is the time when Sirius (the Dog Star) rises again in the Eastern horizon.

This always coincided with the flooding of the Nile in Egypt.

Solar energy is at its peak now – it’s a time of creativity and manifestation.

If we think of the archetype of the lion, we immediately imagine the King of the Jungle. We think of leadership, of power, of creativity and of courage.

Astronomically we are also in a time of many solar flares and CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) from the Sun.

Solar flares are intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation from sunspots on the Sun’s surface.

When they hit the Earth, they cause radio wave and satellite disruptions.

solar flare

Solar flare

Solar flares cause the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) and the Aurora Australius (Southern Lights) to dance across our skies.

For those of us who are sensitives, solar flares can make us feel extremely tired, nauseous, dizzy and we can find it difficult to sleep.

Spiritually they amplify the energy of intense personal change.


Journal question:

  1. What do I want to create and manifest in my life?

Even though the energies are intense, now is the time to be the Lion and the leader of our lives.

I wish us all boldness and courage at this time.

Lee-Anne x

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