Monthly Message – September 2024

What do we need to focus on for September?

The answer is The Three of Pentacles reversed (upside down).

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles card and what it means.

Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see a workman and his colleagues constructing a building. He is discussing plans with his teammates, and we see the scaffolding behind him.

The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth. Earth symbolises both the physical body as well as material or financial concerns.

The number 3 in the tarot refers to commitment and creativity. We see this as the building work has begun but is not yet completed.

Because the card is reversed, we may find it challenging to be committed or creative, but now is the time to find a new way to work through our difficulties.

We may find ourselves worried about financial or health concerns, and if this is the case, we need to find a new solution to an old problem.

Sometimes creativity is a spark bursting into flame, but at other times, we need to work hard and try something new to bring our ideas to completion.

If we want to make progress, overcome obstacles, and be free from suffering, we need to be willing to be humble, accept help from others, and be keen to learn something new.

No longer can we continue the way we have in the past; we need to find a new path.

Now is not the time to stop or give up, because the darkest hour is just before the dawn. The nightingale bird sings in the darkest times, to remind us of hope and that the new day is about to break.

nightingale oracle card

From Collette Baron-Reid’s Power Animal Oracle deck

We can learn from past mistakes, and this will be the key to moving forward.

Dr. Peebles (channelled by Summer Bacon) says, So you say, “Well, how can I make this better?” By praying!

By praying for the upliftment of your enemies, by praying for the souls of those who are misguided in their lives, by suddenly realising, that everything has a purpose and has meaning, and realising that it is not something that you have to discard or get rid of, but rather just like taking the rotten fruit from a tree, you put it around the base of the tree so that it can become the fertile soil for it to grow.

There is purpose and value in everything.

Happiness will come from learning about things, about yourself, looking at life, looking at the contrasts, the information that’s given to you, listening to the honest echo given back to you about the way you are in the world, learning from it, absorbing it because you want to grow into that greater light, love, and inspiration that you are.’


Questions to Journal:

  1. What situation in my life keeps repeating?
  2. What can I learn about myself in these circumstances?
  3. Who can support me and help me to keep going?


Let’s be committed to finding our own enlightenment and freedom from suffering.

Lee-Anne x

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