The full moon is on Sunday 5th February 2023, and it is called the Snow Moon.
Snow Moon
The name is understandable as here in the Northern Hemisphere, February tends to be the time when most snow falls, more than any other month in winter.
Astrologically, the sun is in the air sign of Aquarius (the Water Bearer), while the moon is in the fiery sign of Leo (the Lion).
The archetype of Aquarius is the energy of the reformer; one who brings change to the group or wider community. The bold energy of Leo is that of the charismatic and confident leader.
(the Water Bearer)
(the Lion)
What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?
Page of Pentacles
During the New Moon we were asked to make diligent plans and practical, solid foundations. We were encouraged to embrace the opportunities that appear and be faithful to our ideas and dreams, no matter how small or insignificant we may think they are.
This is confirmed by the February angel message of the Page of Pentacles.
So, the question then becomes, where do I go from here?
The fiery, passionate and bold energy of the King of the Jungle is now available to us. Being a charismatic leader means listening, interacting and communicating with others in a fun loving, compassionate manner, while being confident in who we are.
I am reminded of the saying ‘fake it ‘til you make it’, which means that even if we don’t necessarily always feel assured in ourselves, we take a deep breath and act as if we are.
Bold courage hides insecurity, although it is important to always acknowledge and accept our true feelings of fear, doubt and insecurity. However the challenge is to not become overwhelmed by these negative emotions.
It is always for our highest good to be authentic – not avoiding our fears and also not resisting them. The shadows in ourselves that we try to run away from will always be there until we turn around, face them, and thank them for being there. We only created them to protect ourselves as a result of past trauma.
Questions to Journal on:
- What does self confidence feel like in me?
- What shadow or inner fear am I trying to run away from?
- When I look at my reflection in the mirror, what positive, beautiful and kind words can I say to myself?
Have you ever tried mindfulness?
“Mindfulness is a kind of energy that we generate when we bring our mind back to our body and get in touch with what is going on in the present moment, within us and around us.
We become aware of our breathing and come home to our body, fully present for ourselves and whatever we are doing.”
Here is a 20 min meditation on building confidence.
Send me an email if you feel like you need further encouragement or even an oracle card message from the angels and guides.
Also, if you feel that someone else would benefit from these words, please do share this message.
Wishing you much light and love as always.
Pingback: February New Moon Focus – Way Of The Butterfly