Tarot Message for November 2022

This morning I asked for a Tarot message that would show what we need to focus on for the month of November. The result was The King of Wands.

My first thought was wow! This is different from the Tarot card of October!

King of Wands Tarot card

King of Wands

Then the realisation and reassurance came that things are changing quickly, and the energy is shifting – fast!

But how does this card then relate to the month of November and what are we being asked to heal and transform? Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see the colours of yellow, red, and gold. These are the colours of fire energy.

The king is a happy chappie. He sits on his throne, smiling, all the while holding his wand of fire in his right hand (right is the symbol of the masculine).



(the fiery lion)

He is richly dressed and on the top of his throne we see the 2 lions (the fire sign of Leo), gazing in opposite directions.

Leo (the lion) is a bold astrological sign, symbolising a warm and enthusiastic leader, and shows that no matter in which direction you look, anything is possible, and everything is available to the confident person.

Leo encourages us to expand our consciousness and take courageous risks in the midday sun.

His throne is carved with rams (the fire sign of Aries), once again symbolising the creative fire and the bold enthusiasm that we are being asked to embrace.



(the bold ram)

On his chest as well as his throne we see the salamander – the legendary lizard, that is believed to live comfortably in the flames of creativity and imagination.  

The suit of wands itself represents the creative and imaginative process. It is exciting when we start to dream, to begin to imagine what could be and to create something. Furthermore, if we remember that we are co-creators with the Divine, then the world becomes our oyster, and anything is possible.


What is the King of Wands guiding us toward during the month of November?

In October we were given the opportunity to let go of the old, stagnant, and restricted self-limiting beliefs. Now we have the fiery enthusiasm of healthy, masculine energy available to us.

What is masculine energy and what if I’m female or don’t identify with a particular gender?

We all have both masculine and feminine energy within us, regardless of our gender. Masculine energy is:

  • Yang
  • Outward looking
  • Proactive
  • Confident
  • Strong
  • Courageous
  • Has a will to achieve and succeed
  • Manifests the authentic, true self


Questions to ask and journal:

  1. If anything, and everything were possible, what would I create? (If could be a painting, an article, an event, an item of clothing, a new gadget, a musical composition…anything)
  2. What do I fear from being bold and courageous?
  3. What masculine energy traits do I need to develop and use in order to be the co-creator with Spirit that I already am?

The good news is that once we step out into the unknown, Spirit steps up to join us, to encourage us and to reassure us that we are not alone. We are not passive in this process, but rather we need to be active, co-creators with the Divine. Now is the time to step up, step out and open the door to possibility.



Wishing you much light and love as always,


2 thoughts on “Tarot Message for November 2022

  1. Pingback: November 2022 Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse – Way Of The Butterfly

  2. Pingback: November 2022 New Moon Contemplation – Way Of The Butterfly

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