January 2023 New Moon (Aquarius) & Chinese New Year

The new moon occurs on Saturday 21st January 2023 and it’s a powerful and pivotal energy!

We are moving into the sign of Aquarius (the Water Bearer).

Water bearer


The water bearer


Year of the Rabbit

The following day on Sunday 22nd January 2023, we will also celebrate the Chinese New Year.

2023 will be the year of the Water Rabbit.

Let’s look at these 2 powerful energies separately and then bring the information together to help us understand how to move forward in the coming month.

New Moon in Aquarius

New moons call us to go inward and become thoughtful as we have the opportunity to reset our intentions and plans for the coming month.

The Jungian archetype of Aquarius is the energy of the teacher and reformer – the one who brings change.

Aquarius is an air sign and air symbolises our thought processes. Aquarians focus on the group or team, wanting to bring the precious water of life to benefit all beings and make the world a better place.

Water bearer


The water bearer

During the month of January, we were invited to birth a new project or direction. We were encouraged to be excited and not to hold back but to be uninhibited like children, have the courage to ‘go for it’.  

Now we are being encouraged to think about how we can take this project into our community, our workplace, to our friends or family. How will our work benefit others and how will our unique approach change and innovate the future?


Year of the Rabbit

Year of the Water Rabbit

The rabbit represents a peaceful positive energy – an energy of hope for the future and about being open to new ideas and possibilities.

The symbol of water also reminds us to use our intuition and tap into our inner wisdom.

Bringing it all together

The water rabbit reminds us that there is hope for something new and Aquarian energy encourages us to focus on building bridges with those around us.

We are all connected, so as we aim to make our individual worlds a better place, this sends a ripple out into the larger world. Then we raise the vibration on earth to the benefit of all sentient beings.

How do I tap into these powerful energies that are available to me?

The universe uses our intentions, so it is important to have both:

– gratitude for the gifts of life.  

– a focus/intention/idea on how we can use our energy in specific ways to benefit our communities.


Have a journal by your bed and write down 3 things you are grateful for that happened during the day.

As we start to focus on gratitude, our awareness of the wonders of life and the gifts that we are given opens our hearts and minds and we are able to expand our thinking and embrace life more fully.


Ask the question, what can I do to bless someone today? This could be as simple or as complex as:

  • smiling at, and greeting a neighbour
  • taking out someone’s rubbish/trash bin
  • paying for someone’s coffee
  • picking up litter in the street
  • offering a new service or project to people in the community
  • supporting a wildlife project
  • putting out water and bird food for the birds
  • recycling cardboard, cans, paper etc.
  • giving away something you don’t use to a charity shop or to someone who needs it


This year let’s be a blessing to the Earth and all who call it home!

grandmother and little boy

Wishing you much light and love as always

Lee-Anne x

2 thoughts on “January 2023 New Moon (Aquarius) & Chinese New Year

  1. Pingback: Angel Message for February 2023 – Way Of The Butterfly

  2. Pingback: February Full Moon Focus – Way Of The Butterfly

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