January 2023 Full Moon

The first full moon of the year is on Friday 6th January 2023, and it is called the Wolf Moon.


Wolf Moon

The name originally comes from the wolves that were often heard howling at this time of the year. It was traditionally thought that the wolves were howling out of hunger, but in more modern times we now understand that the wolf pack howl to mark their territory, locate members of their pack and co-ordinate their hunting strategy.

This January full moon is also called a ‘Micromoon’, which is the opposite of a ‘Supermoon’. This means that the moon is at the furthest point away from the Earth.

Astrologically, the sun is in the earth sign of Capricorn (the Goat), while the moon is in the water sign of Cancer (the Crab).

The archetype of Capricorn is that of the ambitious builder who seeks recognition, while the nurturing, gentle energy of Cancer focuses on family.

Capricorn goat

Mountain Goat



What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?


During the New Moon we were asked to take practical steps to build a foundation for success. This is confirmed by the January angel message of the Page of Wands.

Now we are encouraged to take this even further and focus our work on creating something positive that nurtures and supports our family.

This may be an outward creation, but it may also be that we are being encouraged to look at our shadows or blind spots and heal our own past trauma.

Remember it’s easy to point the finger at family members and want them to change. However, their path is not our responsibility.

Our journey of self-discovery is rather to raise our own consciousness, so that we can be brave (like the mountain goat) and face and heal our own wounds.

It’s easy to get frustrated and feel that some family members do not fully understand us and it’s even easier to feel that we are the victim. It’s worth remembering though that we all planned our lives before we came to Earth.

We chose our parents; we even chose our ancestry so that the conditions would be there for us to heal what we’ve come to heal.

Before we incarnated onto this school called Planet Earth, we agreed a contract with our family members so that they would create the environment that we would need.  This would give us the opportunity to free ourselves from the feeling of separation from the Divine / Source / Universe / God / Goddess.

So, notice your emotions and take a deep breath – your family members are just doing what they contractually agreed to do!

butterlfy on a book


So, where do I go from here?

Remember that our outward lives are a reflection of our inner world, so we need to take time to be quiet, look into the ‘mirror’ of our souls and ask the hard questions.

Questions to Journal on:

  1. Which family members trigger me and what emotions do I feel when I interact with them?
  2. Why does a particular interaction trigger me? What memories or beliefs are challenging to me?
  3. Who can I talk to, to help me understand and work through what’s really going on?

Be brave like the mountain goat as this process is often not easy. 

Also, know that you are not alone. Support is available to you. Start by nurturing and accepting exactly where you are. You are EXACTLY where you need to be!


Here are 3 videos to help you further:

  1. The base chakra healing meditation focuses on feeling safe, as we often don’t feel safe in our interactions with family.

2. The sacral chakra healing meditation focuses on how you feel about yourself.

3. The solar plexus chakra healing meditation invites you to feel confident about who you are, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

In summary, the energy of January invites you to heal aspects of yourself in a big way.

Finally, I leave you with top dream interpreter, Michael Sheridan’s words: ‘The obstacles are not in the way, they ARE the way’.

Feel free to drop me an email if you feel like you need further encouragement or even an oracle card message from the angels and guides.


Wishing you much light and love as always.

Lee-Anne x

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