June Full Moon

The full moon is on Sunday 4th June 2023, and it is called the Strawberry Moon.



The Strawberry Moon is so named to mark the ripening of strawberries in the Northern Hemisphere. Flowers are blooming and early fruit is starting to ripen. This marks the end of Spring and the start of Summer and reminds us of the abundance all around us.

Astrologically, the sun is in the air sign of Gemini (the Twins) while the moon is in another air sign – Sagittarius (the Archer). The archetype of Gemini is the energy of both the jester and that of the messenger and communication, while the energy of Sagittarius is that of the visionary; one who searches for higher wisdom and inner freedom.



(The Twins)

the Archer


(The Archer)

What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?

During the New Moon, we were invited to look around us and appreciate the abundance, beauty, majesty, and stillness of our Earth.

Six of Cups

The Tarot message for June (Six of Cups) confirmed this as a time to remind ourselves of the dreams we had as children and to do something to bring those ideas out again – with the past and the future ‘working’ together for a harmonious present.

So, how do we use the full moon energy to do this?

As children, we had dreams, visions, and imagination but often those ideas were in a childish, immature form. They were wonderful ideas, full of fun and imagination, but as adults, we may perhaps need to explore a new, more skilled way of making these dreams a part of our lives again.

I would also encourage us to pluck up the courage to communicate and share these dreams and ideas with people around us; those who support and love us, so that they can help us.

John Donne wrote ‘No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.’

So, give yourself permission to dream and equally, allow yourself to share those dreams with others.

You may inspire someone else in the process!

heart island

Heart Island

Question to Journal on:

  1. What did I want to be, do, have, and feel as a child and how can I bring these dreams and ideas back into my life again?

If you feel that someone else would benefit from these words, please do share this message.

Wishing you much light and love as always  – and have fun 🙂

Lee-Anne x

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