Tarot Message for June 2023

This morning I asked for a Tarot message that would show what we need to focus on for the month of June.

The result was The Six of Cups.

6 of cups

Six of Cups

The Six of Cups Card and what it means.

Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we a young girl, and an old man in the safe courtyard of a country house. They have been picking flowers. This is an idyllic and peaceful scene.

white lilies

Garden Lilies

Cups represent our feelings and emotions, while the number six represents harmony.

Lillies generally represent purity – this can be purity of wisdom and knowledge or purity of thought or mental clarity.

The young girl may symbolise something new (or the future) while the old may symbolise something old (or the past). This is a card of nostalgia and fond memories, but notes that they are in harmony – working together. As we see the lilies in the 6 cups, we can rest assured that we have nothing to fear from the past and equally, nothing to fear from the future.

We can be content and peaceful in the present.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the struggles of day to day living – be it food, safety, striving for a better future, that we forget to live in the present – IN today.

But this card reminds us that it’s okay look back to forgotten dreams we had as a child or in the past and bring those ideas into the present in order to create a happier and more peaceful future.

boy on dock

Childhood fun

Questions to ask and journal:

  1. What did I enjoy doing as a child before I got caught up with adult duties and responsibilities?
  2. What great memories do I have in the past? But how can I ensure that I don’t LIVE in the past, but rather use those memories to create something wonderful for my life right NOW.
  3. What dream did I have when I were asked ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’ And where are you now? Can you dream again an old dream into being?

June looks to be a harmonious month if we choose to focus on enjoying life each day.

Wishing you much light and love as always,


1 thoughts on “Tarot Message for June 2023

  1. Pingback: June Full Moon – Way Of The Butterfly

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