March New Moon (Pisces) – New Beginnings



(the Fish)

The new moon in watery Pisces is on Sunday 10th March 2024.

Pisces is The Fish and represents the energy of the dreamer, mystic or even the use of the psychic senses to create inner change.

This is a time of great upheaval and change on Earth.

We see this manifested:

  • Physically: Freak and changing weather patterns occur more frequently, and even the aurora borealis being observed at lower latitudes, shows us that the Earth’s magnetic field is weakening.
Northern Lights
  • Mentally: The emergence of AI and the concerns about how this will impact our lives. Elections, political unrest and demonstrations cause the governments to try to clamp down harder on dissenting voices as ‘underminers of democracy’.

Emotionally: Wars, unrest and suffering are challenging us in ways like never before. The old ways of controlling people have become more tenuous. People are more sensitive due to all the uncertainly that they see and feel around them. This causes anxiety and confusion for everyone.

children suffering

Spiritually: More people are awakening to the search for something authentic and more meaningful in their lives. Religious controls are weakening as people search for a way of living that is more connected to nature and others in a truer way.

What does this mean for us at the time of the New Moon?

We can go one of two ways:

  • Either we can be swept along with the tumult of uncertainty that we see all around us
  • Or we can choose to turn inward.

This is a time of rebirth if we will allow it….

Norse goddess Hel

Norse Goddess Hel

The Norse Goddess Hel was feared (especially by the later Christians, who named their Hell after her). She was the Queen of the Underworld, and her name means ‘Hidden’.

Image from Sophie Bashford’s oracle deck: Gods, Goddesses & Guardians.

Hindu Goddess Kali

Hindu Goddess


Her equivalent in Hinduism is Kali (whose name means ‘She who is Black’ or ‘She who is Death’).

Image from Sophie Bashford’s oracle deck: Gods, Goddesses & Guardians.

Hel and Kali symbolise the death of the ego so that we can achieve liberation from all that has held us back/down.

These goddesses are feared because:

  • They are misunderstood.
  • It is thought that they bring/cause suffering.

We suffer not because their powerful energies ‘do something to us’, but rather because we struggle to let go of old parts of our identities, and we fear the unknown.

But both Hel and Kali teach that if we don’t prune away the ‘dead’ parts of us, then there is no room for new birth.

They stand by us to encourage us that we are strong enough and brave enough to believe in the magic of new possibilities.

sword in the air
man in clouds on a mountain peak

They remind us that this warrior goddess energy is like Mother Nature – that primordial, wild, yet nurturing part of us. If we surrender to her, she will take us to new places and greater heights and change us in ways we never dreamed possible.

So, as Dr Peebles says, we consciously ‘Relax, release and surrender’ into the ‘underworld’ that we have created within ourselves to observe and discover the rigid, inflexible attachments, beliefs, programmes, old parts of us – the shadows – that are within us. 

Hell is not a pit of fire ‘out there’, rather it is within.

As Kali hands us her dagger, so we are able to strip away inflexibility, rigid ways of thinking, fear, anxiety, anger, victimhood and the illusions of separation.

We choose to enter the chrysalis of seemingly inner destruction. We choose to identify and release our shadow parts, letting go of the inflexibility and attachments that have caused us such suffering.



Monarch butterfly


This then allows the Great, Divine, Powerful, and indescribable Love of God/Goddess/Spirit to transform us into the butterfly and we are able to experience freedom and flight of soul.

This is a time of outer change in the world, but more importantly, it is a time of inner change, if we are brave enough to try.

I am reminded of January’s Message – 2024 is a time to tap into inner strength.


We have the strength to choose to work with Hel and Kali at this time of new birth and new beginnings.

Lee-Anne x

Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article helpful in some way for wherever you are on your journey.
Please feel free to share with friends and family, and I look forward to our next meeting.

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