Tarot Message for March 2024

What do we need to focus on for the month of March?

The answer is the Two of Cups and friendships.

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

The Two of Cups card and what it means.

Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see a woman and a man exchanging cups.

In Tarot, the suit of Cups connects to the element of water, which symbolises feelings and emotions. This is reflected in the blue robes that the people are wearing.

The number 2 means balance and harmony.

The woman’s robe is decorated with white lilies symbolising purity of intention and the man’s tunic is decorated with red roses – the symbol of passion.

This is a card of friendship, relationship and communication and our focus for March.

teddy bears

Be open

To build strong relationships we need to be open and even vulnerable as we share who we really are with others. It’s not as if only one person is doing the ‘giving’, and the other person only the ‘taking’.

Instead, there is a mutual respect and consideration that allows for both parties to have the space to be authentic in their thoughts and feelings.

What traits make a good friend?

  • Supportive – Loving allowance for all things and all people in their own time and space.
  • Respect – Grow self-respect and this will allow respect for others.
  • Non-judgement – Release self-judgement and stop trying to control or manipulate either the situation or other people.

Can we be friends with ourselves and then others?

Remember... It starts with us.

two little boys reading together

Like minded friends

As we learn to become our own best friend, we will atrract like minded, supportive people into our lives. These are people with whom we can build positive and supportive relationships.

I wish us all much light and love as we learn to become our own best friend, and then find others with whom we can be a good friends.

Lee-Anne x

Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article helpful in some way for wherever you are on your journey.
Please feel free to share with friends and family, and I look forward to our next meeting.

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