September 2022 Full Moon

The full moon is on 10th September 2022, and it is called the Harvest Moon.

Unlike other moons, this moon rises at the same time as sunset which allowed the farmers more time to harvest their crops.



This is a time of transition. Here in the Northern Hemisphere the days are becoming shorter and cooler, while the opposite is occurring in the Southern Hemisphere and in a few weeks, we will be experiencing the Equinox.

During this full moon, the sun is in the constellation of Virgo and the moon is passing through the constellation of Pisces.

In archetypal astrology, Virgo (the maiden) is an earth sign and symbolises the Helper who gives service to the community. Pisces (the fish) is a water sign concerned with creativity, dreams, and imagination.

What does this full moon ask us to consider?

During the new moon we were asked to begin to look ahead and plan for the month, but now it’s time to dream bigger, to use our imagination and create something that will be larger and more expansive than we first thought. It’s time to speak our dreams into reality.

Don’t be a perfectionist at this time, rather look to use tools or creative expressions such as are found in music, dance, drama, or poetry to inspire you to dream bigger. Creativity nourishes our souls, so as we care for ourselves and allow ourselves to dream, we bring joy into our lives, and this also benefits those around us.  

Squirrel Totem Animal

After I wrote this blog post, we took Buddy for a walk in the woods and a squirrel kept squeaking and trying to get our attention.



I have learned to look out for signs from the Universe/Divine/Source/God – signs that the Universe is trying to get my attention and tell me something. When we got home, I looked up the meaning of Squirrel ‘medicine’ from a Shamanic point of view.

Squirrels are reminders that being productive and prepared is important (gathering nuts for the winter), but that having fun is just as important too (scurrying up and down trees and chasing playmates and rivals).

Squirrel symbolism is tied to the balance between hard work and fun.

I was amazed and grateful to see that the blog post confirmed by Squirrel.

1 thoughts on “September 2022 Full Moon

  1. Pingback: October 2022 Full Moon Contemplation – Way Of The Butterfly

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