Monthly Message – June 2024

What do we need to focus on for June?

The answer is The Magician.

Magician tarot card

The Magician

The Magician card and what it means.

Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see a man wearing a white robe, a belt with an ouroboros (the snake eating its tail), and a red cloak.

He stands in a beautiful fertile garden under an arch of roses. In his left hand, he holds a wand pointing up towards the sky, while his right hand points down towards the Earth.

In front of him is a table decorated with the symbols of infinity and on the table are the four symbols of the Minor Arcana: the Sword, the Wand, the Cup, and the Pentacle (or Coin).

golden sword

The Sword

The Wand

The Cup


The Coin

The Magician is the 1st card in the Major Arcana and indicates a time of new beginnings or new opportunities.

The four elements on the table show us that we have all the skills necessary for this new opportunity.

We have the intellect (Sword), the passion and power to manifest what we want (Wand), the emotional resilience and connection with our hearts (Cup), and the material and physical resources and attributes (Pentacle) to help us achieve success.

infininty symbol

Infinity symbol

The guidance for us during the coming month is to tap into the infinite and unlimited potential within us.

This is symbolised by the ouroboros (the snake eating its tail) and the repeated infinity symbols that are literally and figuratively ‘on the table’ for us.

The magician’s hands point up and down and symbolise ‘as above, so below’.

This means that whatever we intend or focus on in the spiritual realm is manifested in the physical world.

light bulb of inspiration

From inspiration to reality

Everything is connected. Thought becomes word and word becomes action.

So, we should aim to use our inner and outer resources, with a deliberate intention to create and manifest new opportunities and new beginnings.

I wish you light and love at this exciting time of new opportunities.

Lee-Anne x

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