May 2024 Full Moon – Have Fun!

The full moon is on Thursday 23rd May, and it is called the Flower Moon.

The Flower Moon is a pretty name for the beautiful sight of flowers which are springing up everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere.

Flower Moon

Astrologically, the sun is in the air sign of Gemini (the Twins) while the moon is in the fire sign of Sagittarius (the Archer).

The energy of Gemini is that of the messenger or communicator, while the gregarious Sagittarius nature is focused on having an adventure.



The Twins

the Archer


The Archer

What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?

During the New Moon, we were encouraged to listen to and pay attention to our bodies. We were invited to be IN our bodies.

Now the energy shifts from sensual, grounded earthiness to a more outward expansion of energy.

The air signs focus on thoughts and ideas, whereas the fire signs exude passion and ‘fire’.

young people with arms around each other

Because Gemini is an air sign, and air signs emphasise thoughts and ideas, Gemini energy is said to be mentally adaptable and flexible.

Emotional resilience, and a love of communication and connection with others are the order of the day.

Sagittarius is a fire energy that ignites our inner joy and passion. It’s time to explore – new places and new philosophies.

Above all, this is a time to play – to have fun, to let loose our inner child, and feel free.

children having fun playing in water

Whether we choose to explore a new place, a new culture, a new food, or a new philosophy or belief… now is the time to be spontaneous, expand ourselves, step out of our comfort zones, and experience the rich tapestry of life.

I wish us all great joy at this time of playful energy.

Lee-Anne x

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