Tarot Message for December 2023

What do we need to be aware of for the month of December?

The answer is the Eight of Swords

8 of Swords

Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords Card and what it means.

Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see a woman standing in a muddy field, wearing a blindfold. She is surrounded by 8 swords. Her hands and arms are tied with ropes, but her feet are free. Behind her the skies are dark and a bird soars in the air.

The suit of Swords is associated with thoughts and mental energy, also shown by the colour blue that she is wearing.

The number 8 indicates death and rebirth, because the 8 is the infinity symbol that has been rotated.

sword in the air

Swords = thoughts

infininty symbol

Infinity symbol

During the month of December and the lead up to the festivities of the holidays and Christmas, many people may find themselves burdened by family obligations and expectations.

So often we imprison ourselves with our thoughts.

These thoughts could be:

  • Which family members to visit and when?
  • What gifts to buy and for whom?
  • Financial expectations and constraints – people often feel obliged go into debt at this time of the year, in order to live up to the hype of the perfect Christmas.
  • Food preparation and the expectation of providing a delicious, well cooked, and on-time feast – as seen on TV, the movies or social media.
depressed woman

or thoughts could include:

  • Being alone and feeling lonely when everyone else seems to be surrounded by other people.
  • Memories of the past that may overshadow the present.
  • The reality of the day not living up to your mental image and expectation.

Holiday times can be tricky to negotiate. At every turn it may feel like you need to find your way around ‘swords’ and the solutions are often not easy to see. You may feel restricted and imprisoned, but the card also holds the message that mental clarity and emotional peace are possible.

To find this clarity and peace, it may help if you become more centered and aware of what you are thinking and feeling at any one moment. This mindfulness will allow the universe to give you signs that will lead you to solutions.

You don’t need to think your way through all these problems. Rather just allow them to be as they are and stop trying to control everything.

The number 8 is about the end of an old way of thinking and the birth of something new.

The reality is that the only person who can save this woman, is herself.



By letting go of the need to be in control and struggling against her situation, the ropes that tie her will drop. Then she will be able to take off the blindfold and move forward with confidence.

Wishing you much light, love and inner peace at this festive time.

Lee-Anne x

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