November 2023 New Moon (Scorpio)

The new moon in watery Scorpio (the Scorpion) is on Monday 13th November 2023.



The scorpion

The archetype of Scorpio is that of the mystic or shaman – the one who plunges into the deep waters of life to find emotional transformation.

The recent message from the angels is that we are in a time of rebirth (November Tarot message).

During this new moon, we can set the intention to ignite our connections in a new way. We may feel drawn to another person or group as we have an inner yearning to connect more deeply with kindred spirits.

This may be in a physical or emotional way with a new or existing partner, or it may be with our ‘soul tribe’ or ‘soul family’.

It’s time to focus on, explore, and cherish our relationships.

Shallow relationships will not satisfy.

Use the new moon as a time to plant the seeds to attract positive relationships into your life.

teddy bears

“People are lonely because they build walls

instead of bridges.”

— Joseph F. Newton Men

Wishing you much joy in your relationships this month.

Lee-Anne x

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