August – New Moon (Leo)

The new moon is on Wednesday 16th August 2023, and we are in the fire sign of Leo (the Lion).

Leo Star Sign


(the lion)

New moons call us to go inward and become thoughtful as we have the opportunity to plant the seeds of our intentions for the coming month.

The Jungian archetype of Leo (the Lion) is that of the king of the jungle – the confident leader.


The royal lion is unapologetically itself. He/she is bold!

This leader shines with confident authority.

This authority does NOT come from having power over others, but rather from an inner power and the assurance of both knowing who we are and our purpose here on earth.

I wonder if we know how wonderful we are, how amazing, how talented, and how unique each of our gifts, personalities, and perspectives make us?

Affirmations are a great way to help us believe in ourselves. Here are some to speak out loud. The more we do this, the more we can reprogramme our subconscious mind and release old fears of standing out from the crowd.

  • I am confident
  • I am fearless
  • I am a light in the world
  • I am a leader
  • I am filled with the same elements as the stars in the universe and I am aware of how awesome and beautiful those stars are.

Now is the time to plant the seeds of confidence, light and joy. Don’t be afraid to shine your light.

You are made of stardust

You are amazing

Journal Questions:

  1. How can I step more fully into the light of who I really am?
  2. How can I develop self-confidence?
  3. What fears hold me back from stepping more fully into this aspect of myself?

Wishing you much light and love as always as you step into confidence.

Lee-Anne x

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