Nine of Cups
This morning I asked for a Tarot message that would show what we need to be aware of for the month of August. The answer was the Nine of Cups reversed (upside down).
The Nine of Cups (reversed) and what it means.
Let’s look at the card a little closer …
When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see 9 pillars in a courtyard. There are two water fountains, and in the centre of the courtyard a table has been laid for a feast. On the table are nine cups and to the left of the table, we see a couple embracing.
The suit of Cups symbolises our relationship with our feelings and the number 9 means nearing the final stages of completion (with 10 being completion).
In traditional Tarot, the Nine of Cups card is called the Wish Card. In the upright position this card is about achieving or being granted what you desire – making your dreams come true.
It is important to dream and to have desires; to know that the potential is for ‘everything’ to be on the table. But rather than over-indulging, we are being called to exercise restraint and moderation. Instead of focusing on ‘getting what I want’, we are being called to look inward, practise self-awareness and find balance in our lives.
I was recently thinking about The Secret and the Law of Attraction. While that law is important, why is it that we don’t all drive fancy cars and live in large mansions? It’s okay if we do, but do we NEED it? Is this part of our life purpose or is there something else that we came to Earth to do?
The key is to live in alignment with our life purpose
One of the famous sayings that Pythia, the High Priestess of the Temple of Apollo (more commonly known as the Oracle of Delphi) had inscribed on a column at her temple was ‘Nothing in excess’. Or in more modern language ‘Everything in moderation’.
She also said, ‘Know thyself’ and I would suggest that our path should be a journey to the heart – a journey to self-awareness, understanding and compassion, in whatever form that takes.
“Keeping a warm heart and a cool head is the best way to make constructive use of the energies.” Bracha Goldsmith.
Journal Questions:
How much balance is there in the following 8 areas of my life (on a scale of 0-10)?
- Relationships (romantic and family)
- Friendships
- Health
- Mental wellbeing
- Career or profession
- Finances
- Hobbies and fun activities
- Spiritual or personal growth
Wheel of Life
Wishing you much light and love as always as you navigate these times of change.