The full moon is on Thursday 8th December 2022, and it is called the Cold Moon. The name comes from the frigid conditions in the Northern Hemisphere.
Ice Crystal
It is also called the ‘Long Night Moon’ as it is the full moon closest to the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year) and ‘The Moon Before Yule’ – Yuletide being the festival of the Winter Solstice, where the return of the sun was traditionally celebrated.
In archetypal astrology, the sun is in Sagittarius (the Archer), a fire sign and symbolises our passion and creative energy.
The moon is in Gemini (the Twins), an air sign and symbolises thoughts and communication.
What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?
During the New Moon we were asked to open our hearts to passionate, fun loving, fiery energy that invited us to be open minded in our search for the truth about who we really are and what we really want from life.
Now we are encouraged to take this even further and be playful and adaptable in our communication with others as we express our truth in joyful, loving ways.
Sagittarius – the Archer
Gemini – the Tiwns
I was reminded of the saying ‘Don’t shoot the Messenger’. This saying comes from historical events, where royal messengers were sometimes shot, wounded, or even killed.
I think we still have the fear that if we expose our true feelings and thoughts, then we may be ‘shot’ down by critical voices.
Act in love
However, if we act from the heart and speak our truth from a place of kindness and compassion, from a place of centredness and authenticity, then we raise our vibration as well as the vibration of those around us.
And remember, if they can’t accept us, then that is a reflection on them, rather than on us.
If we come from a place of love, then we act as a droplet falling into the pond of consciousness and this loving energy will ripple out into the collective.
Ripple in a pond
Remember we are interconnected – with each other, with the Earth and indeed, with the cosmos itself.
Questions to Journal on:
- Why am I afraid to be my authentic self? What is it that am I afraid of?
- What can I do to let go of and release my anger and fear?
- If I am criticised, then how can I release my anger, fear and hurt, and turn my heart to that of joy, love and acceptance?
- How can I bring more fun and joy into my life, rather than focusing on what others will think of me?
Wishing you much love and light as always