The full moon is on Sunday 2nd July 2023, and it is called the Buck Moon.
It is also the first super moon of the year and the first of four super full moons in a row!
The full moon is called the Buck Moon because this is the time of year when the antlers of the male deer (the buck) start to grow.
Each winter the buck shed their antlers, and at this time of year their new set of antlers will grow larger and more impressive than the previous year.
A super moon is when the moon is at its closest point to the Earth and will therefore appear larger than normal. The moon highlights the subconscious and what Jung referred to as the inner child, and super moons intensify this energy!
Astrologically, the sun is in the water sign of Cancer (the Crab) while the moon is in the earth sign of Capricorn (the Goat). The archetype of Cancer is the energy of the mother or the home (the place where we feel nurtured), while the energy of Capricorn is that of the builder or architect.
(the Crab)
(the Goat)
During the June New Moon we were invited to remember that what we see is a reflection of who we are. If and when we are triggered, we always need to look within ourselves to the wound, pattern or limiting belief that is being played out.
The Tarot message for July (Wheel of Fortune) points out that this is a time of great change, both on the Earth (the macrocosm) and within us (the microcosm).
When we feel safe and nurtured, we can build a solid foundation of inner self-trust and self-esteem.
However, as a child there were many times when we did not receive the nurturing we needed. This caused us to develop feelings of guilt and shame that there was something wrong with us.
We buried these beliefs but when we are triggered, these ‘programs’ start to run inside our minds, causing us to feel separated from others, isolated, and ‘not good enough’.
Now is the time to allow these beliefs or inner ‘programs’ to rise to the surface of our conscious awareness (no matter how uncomfortable they feel), so that we can examine them, love them (they were only trying to protect us) and let them go. Then and only then can we build a new, stronger, and more compassionate view about ourselves.
Journal Questions:
- Can I remember a time (or times) as a young child when I felt like there was something wrong with me?
- How did this make me feel about myself at that time?
- How does it make me feel about myself now?
- When do I feel these beliefs or programs ‘kick in’ as an adult?
Sometimes as a child, it felt like love flew away.
If you feel that someone else would benefit from these words, please do share this message.
This is not an easy time, so allow yourself the time and space to nurture yourself.
Wishing you much light and love as always.
Lee-Anne x