May New Moon (Taurus) – Listen to the Body

On Wednesday 8th May 2024 we will experience the New moon in grounded Taurus (the Bull).

Taurus is the earthy, sensual bull, and represents the energy of stability and abundance.



The Bull

What does this mean for us at the time of the New Moon?

Where do we put our attention?

When we do something, are we 100% ‘here and now’? Or is our mind jumping into the past, replaying an event that has already happened; or is it jumping into the future, worrying and playing out a scenario that has not even occurred?

old man thinking

Being grounded, means being centred. This means being IN our bodies, here and now.

Physically, we can be nowhere else, other that right here and right now.

Yet mentally, we could be anywhere!

Did you know that 95% of our thoughts are a repetition of thoughts we have already had?

That means only 5% of our thought are new ones.

If we practice how to become aware of our bodies, we start to understand what it actually feels like to be in the space we physically occupy. Our bodies speak to us all the time – if we only learn to listen.


Our bodies tell us when we are hungry or thirsty.

girl thinking while eating

However, sometimes we eat when we are bored or lonely. Are we listening to our bodies? Or trying to fulfil an emotional need?

Sometimes when we are hungry, we ignore our bodies! Are we subtly punishing ourselves by denying ourselves food?


Our bodies can tell us if and where we are storing trauma.

Do you have an ache or pain or an irritation? Louise Hay wrote an INCREDIBLE book called ‘You Can Heal Your Life’. It identifies ALL the emotional reasons behind every physical ache or pain in the body and gives positive affirmations to help us heal and change.

For example, so many people suffer with back pain.

Back issues represent support of life.

Lower back pain represents fear of lack of money or lack of financial support.

When we come into and literally inhabit and listen to our bodies, this means our consciousness is present in the HERE and NOW.

Our bodies then can be the vehicle that allows our consciousness to flow freely, and we are able to heal. We can also then tap into our intuition and into our heart energy.

We can come to a place of inner peace – of contentment.

Imagine the bliss!

Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article helpful in some way for wherever you are on your journey.
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I look forward to our next meeting.


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