Tarot Message – May 2024

What do we need to focus on for the month of May?

The answer is Death reversed (upside down).



The Death card reversed and what it means.

Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see a skeleton riding a large black horse. In his hands, he holds a scythe and an hourglass.

We also see 4 figures: a young woman dressed in white, a little boy holding up his hands, someone lying on the ground, and a bishop dressed in gold.

This card does look ominous and scary, but in the background, we see the sun rising over a beautiful river.


The Phoenix

The Death card symbolises an enormous transformation. and this reminds me of the Phoenix.

Remember that the Phoenix must die first in the fire so that it can be reborn in a new and more beautiful way.

Because the card is reversed (upside down), it means that this spiritual transformation may be brought about through a difficult time, or grief.

“Grief is the great transformer.” (Lee Harris)

depressed woman

Grief has many stages:

  1. Denial – a feeling of numbness and thoughts of this can’t be happening to me.
  2. Anger – why is the happening to me, how can life/God be so cruel?
  3. Bargaining – either with ourselves or with God. We think about the ‘what if’ questions that if we act in a certain way, things could be different.
  4. Depression – I can’t see a way through. I feel sad and lonely. Life is not worth living.
  5. Acceptance – the pain starts to erase and it becomes possible to accept the new circumstances.

It is sometimes difficult to see the grief because when we are in the fire of transformation, it feels like we are being purged.

Life feels like an uphill struggle.

But the key is not to resist or try to avoid the difficult emotions, no matter how challenging and uncomfortable they might feel. The more we resist, the longer the transformation will take.

We can help ourselves by being IN our bodies. The April Full Moon energy that we are still feeling the effects of, encourages us to:

  • breathe
  • feel our heart beating
  • become more present – more in the moment, without judgement

The question is: What are we still holding onto? If we can let this go, this is where the biggest transformation occurs – the largest breakthrough.

Remember a caterpillar must completely dissolve to be reborn as a butterfly.

butterfly emerging from a cocoon

I wish us all courage and inner strength (the January card – and the card 2024) as we face the fire of transformation.

Hang in there… the reward will be worth it!

Lee-Anne x

Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article helpful in some way for wherever you are on your journey.
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