The new moon occurs on Wednesday 23rd November 2022, and we are in the sign of Sagittarius (the Archer).
(the Archer)
New moons call us to go inward and become thoughtful as we have the opportunity to reset our intentions and plans for the coming month.
The archetype of Sagittarius is the energy of the explorer and the one who searches for meaning. Sagittarius is an adaptable (mutable) fire sign and fire symbolises passion.
During the month of November, we were encouraged to begin to dream big and access our creativity (see the November Tarot card message).
Now the fun-loving, passionate energy is available to us at this new moon. It calls us to be open-minded in our search for the truth about who we really are and what we really want from life.
It’s time to step more fully into our authentic selves. To do this, we need to step outside the box of our current beliefs. Feel free to take a leap of faith, ignite, and fan the flames of the creative spark within you.
We are invited to become ‘Students of the Divine’. This is not a heavy, somber way of living but rather the opposite – a joyful, light energy that lifts and inspires both us and everyone around us.
I recently heard a saying that resonated in my heart:
‘Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but rather that we are powerful beyond belief’.
Journal Questions:
- When and where am I afraid to step into who I really am?
- What new aspect of myself am I being asked to explore in my search for truth and meaning about myself?
- What steps can I take to create a new reality or bring a new aspect of myself into being?
- When can I be more spontaneous and enjoy the creative process?
- Where can I inject a little more joy and lightheartedness into my life?
This 10-minute meditation and affirmations may help to spark your creativity.
Wishing you much light and love as always,