Two of Wands
What do the angelic guides want us to be aware of for the month of November?
The answer is in the Two of Wands.
The Two of Wands Card and what it means.
When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see a man standing at a castle wall by a harbour. He is looking out to sea.
In each hand, he holds a wand and he has wrapped a cloak around his shoulders to show us that he is dressed and prepared for a journey.
The suit of Wands is associated with fire and passion. Fire can burn out of control and unpredictably, but it can also ignite new growth, creativity, ambition, and new ideas.
The number 2 shows duality. This symbolises the balance we need to cultivate in ourselves between taking dynamic action and using our intuition to wait for the right time to act .
The word for November is rebirth.
When a baby is born, this process can’t be rushed.
Labour is an intense time where the mother feels contractions and the need to push, but she also needs to find time to breathe and stay as calm as possible.
The Boy Scout’s motto is
‘Be Prepared’.
Our angelic guides invite us to take these words to heart.
Be Prepared
During November, we have the opportunity to bring forth a new, exciting and creative aspect of ourselves. To support this we will need to balance our inspiration with intuitive action.
I wish you much light and love during this month of rebirth and new beginnings.
Lee-Anne x