October 2022 Full Moon

The full moon is on Sunday 9th October 2022, and it is called the Hunter’s Moon.


The Hunter

During September (and the Harvest Moon) the crops had been harvested so now it was much easier to see the wild animals in the woods and countryside. This would signal the time to hunt meat and preserve food for the winter.

In archetypal astrology, the sun is in Libra (the Scales), an air sign that symbolises our thoughts on how to live in harmony in relationships.

The moon is in Aries (the Ram), a fire sign that symbolises the warrior or the pioneer, someone full of creative spark and energy.

Libra scales


The scales

the ram


The ram

What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?

During the New Moon, we were asked to begin to create balance in our lives, but now it’s time to take this one step further.

Air signs are about thoughts and ideas and fire signs are about passion.

Aries is a fiery, impulsive, creative energy. The Universe is giving us the opportunity to push through – to get rid of the old, unbalanced beliefs or ideas and to have the courage to push ahead to establish new habits, new projects, and new, expanded ways of thinking with gusto and enthusiasm.

Be bold and confident – create opportunities and bring freshness and balance to both your life and those around you. Let go of the past and reach out with passion and excitement.

Even though things may feel a bit chaotic at times…you’ve got this!


Question to journal on:

What can I do to make my dreams and aspirations for my relationships better and more harmonious?


Wishing you much light and love as always


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