October 2023 – Full Moon (& Lunar Eclipse)


The full moon is on Saturday 28th October 2023, and it is called the Hunter’s Moon.

The energy of this full moon asks us to use our intuition in a calm way.


Hunter’s Moon

This full moon also coincides with a partial lunar eclipse. This is when the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon, which causes the Earth to cast a shadow over the Moon.

lunar eclipse

lunar eclipse

October’s full moon is called the Hunter’s Moon because when the fields had been harvested during September, it was then much easier to see the wild animals in the woods and countryside. This would signal the time to hunt meat and preserve food for the winter.

In archetypal astrology, the Sun is in Scorpio (the Scorpion), a water sign, which symbolises inner power and intuition. The Moon is in Taurus (the Bull), an earth sign, and symbolises stability.



(The Scorpion)

Taurus the bull


(The Bull)

What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?

During the New Moon, our focus was to create inner balance in our lives. Now these rational thoughts and ideas (masculine energy) meet the feminine power of intuition mixed with the slow, methodical, powerful stability of the Bull.

Take time to pause – and do a reality check on your life.


Water symbolises intuition

woman lying, thinking

Earth symbolises stability

Thought and imagination are incredible and exciting tools for us to use, but if they are not balanced with wise counsel, then we could speed off in many different directions.

Become still and quiet. Allow yourself to tap into your inner power of intuition – that still, small inner voice.

Make space mentally so that you can hear the whispers of your soul. Focus on your solar plexus and access your gut instinct as to what FEELS right.


Journal thoughts

Journal Questions

  1. What do I FEEL is the right step forward for me now?
  2. How can I create more of this feeling in my life?

Wishing you much light and love as always.


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