October New Moon & Solar Eclipse (Libra)

Channeled Message:

When the October new moon comes, that will be the time to execute the next phase.

… a new phase will begin!

The new moon and solar eclipse are on Saturday 14th October 2023, and astrologically we are in the sign of Libra (the Scales).

Libra scales


(the scales)

Solar eclipses occur when the moon aligns perfectly and passes between the Sun and the Earth.

This causes a shadow on the Earth and those who live in North America will see the classic ‘ring of fire’, when the Moon blocks out the Sun.

Solar eclipse - ring of fire

The Ring of Fire

The easiest way to understand eclipses is to think of them as super-charging the energy that is in play and new moons are a time to set our intentions for the coming month.



(holds the scales)

The archetype of Libra is that of the peacemaker or the one who holds the scales of justice (the Judge).

The recent messages from the angels have encouraged us to declutter our lives.

Then at the beginning of October, we were asked to turn inward and to focus on letting go of old beliefs and programs.

September 2023

Harvest Moon

October 2023

Tarot Message

This has all been preparing us for a new way of thinking, behaving, creating, and cultivating a state of inner balance as the focus of our energy.

Despite the chaos in the world, we are being asked to hold our centres with integrity and balance.

elephant balancing on a bubble

We can’t rely on our external circumstances to change in order for us to achieve balance; we need to start creating balance in our internal world first. Then we will see the fruits of our labour manifest in the outside world.

I recently watched a fascinating talk by Joe Dispenza, who discusses this very topic.

Wishing you much light and love as you strive to cultivate balance in your life.

Lee-Anne x

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