October Full Moon – Balance Inner Masculine and Feminine Energies

The full moon is on Thursday 17th October 2024 and is called the Hunter’s Moon.

It was called the Hunter’s Moon as it signalled the hunters to begin preparing for the winter. Over the summer the wild animals had fattened up for the cold months ahead, and the harvested fields meant that there were fewer places for them to hide.

Hunter’s Moon

super moon yellow

Super Moon

This is also a Super Moon. A Super Moon is when the Moon is at its closest point to the Earth and will therefore appear about 8% larger than normal and up to 16% brighter.

The Moon highlights the subconscious and what Jung referred to as the inner child, and Super Moons intensify this energy!

Astrologically, the Sun is in the air sign of Libra (the Scales) while the Moon is in the fire sign of Aries (the Ram).

Libra is the diplomat and one who tries to achieve balance, while the pioneering Aries is the feisty warrior.

libra constellation



What does this Full Moon ask us to consider?

During the October New Moon, we were encouraged to focus on cultivating equanimity – even mindedness under stress.

Now the energy of October kicks into a higher gear with the coming of Aries.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars (the god of war), while Libra is ruled by Venus (the goddess of love).

painting of Venus

Inside each one of us, we hold both masculine and feminine traits (regardless of our gender).

Masculine traits include action, confidence, focus, presence, assertiveness and the courage to take risks and feeling supported. Masculine energy focuses on DOING.

Feminine traits include nurturing, creativity, empathy, intuition, self-love and collaboration with others. Feminine energy focuses on BEING.

pushing a haybale

Masculine energy


two girls hugging

Feminine energy


To feel equanimity and inner peace, we need to balance both the inner masculine and feminine traits within us. This means we need to work on and heal the unbalanced parts of us.

Unbalanced masculine traits

  • Ego driven overwork
  • Suppressing emotions
  • Becoming cold, distant and over logical
  • Being overly competitive
  • Fear of commitment
  • Prone to anger and aggression
  • Low self esteem
  • Being unable to accept help
  • Wanting to be dominant in any relationship

Unbalanced feminine traits

  • Self-doubt
  • Passive behaviour
  • Making decisions based only on emotion
  • Over identifying as a victim
  • Feeling stuck creatively
  • Feeling disconnected from your intuition
  • Feeling overwhelmed by life
  • Wanting to hide
  • Losing yourself in a relationship
little boy cleaning

Do what you love

mother comforts child

Nurture your inner child

Heal the Masculine

  • Reflect on how your father exhibited masculine traits
  • Stop working all the time
  • Choose a goal to work towards and schedule specific time to focus on this
  • Let go of anger and dominance
  • Practice self-confidence and other positive masculine energy traits

Heal the Feminine

  • Reflect on how your mother exhibited feminine traits
  • Practice yoga
  • Meditate daily
  • Laugh
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Let go of feeling like a victim
  • Allow yourself to develop positive feminine energy aspects like intuition

Journal Questions:

  1. How balanced is my masculine energy?
  2. How balanced is my feminine energy?

Wishing you much light and love as always.

Lee-Anne x

writing with quill and ink

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