A major shift in consciousness is happening RIGHT NOW!
The old ways, beliefs, way of life, and controlling authorities are being exposed for their power grabbing and greed.
People are beginning to wake up to the ways that they are being controlled and manipulated, especially by those who hold positions of power including world leaders, governments, economists, bankers, and social media moguls.
Wake up! Stop living life as if you are in a dream.
Take off the chains – only you can remove them.
They will not be removed by authorities, because it is not in their interest to do so.
They can only be removed by us – individually.
For decades and centuries, there has been a constant depletion of energy.
The feminine has been suppressed.
Your energy and power have been drained away.
You have given your power to others, believing and trusting that they have your best interests at heart.
But now is the time to be honest with yourself.
We are being urged to let go of the fear of failure because this is holding us back.
There is no failure – there is only learning.
Fear creates the chains that stop people from waking up and discovering who they really are.
You have been lulled and persuaded into a false sense of security that ‘things’ will turn out alright, but rationalising away a situation, or an event is severely limiting you.
You think that if you use your head, plan, and use willpower then all will be okay.
But no! We need to use our intuition.
We need to feel and walk in love.
We desperately need to connect with our hearts.
Sleepwalking through life has been a defence that we have put up to guard a wounded area.
This is the area of giving away our power to others.
This wound needs healing and now is the time to do it.
We give other people power over us by depending on their approval or disapproval, rather than being our authentic selves. We chain ourselves up by worrying about what other people think of us.
Life is freedom, death is restriction and powerlessness.
No longer is it good enough to pretend that we are ‘fine’.
No longer can we blame someone else and say that they have the ‘issue’.
No longer can we call ourselves the victim.
If you are willing to lower your defences and step into the real YOU, you will experience a huge breakthrough.
Openness and vulnerability are the keys to dissolving the blockages you are experiencing.
You will then see these chains disappear, ascend to a higher level of awareness, and experience true freedom and flight of soul.
You will then discover the incredible, powerful being that you truly are.