Tarot Message October 2023

This morning I asked for a Tarot message that would show what we need to be aware of for the month of October.

The card is Death!



The  Death Card and what it means.

Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see a skeleton riding a large black horse. In his hands, he holds a scythe and an hourglass.

We also see 4 figures: a young woman dressed in white, a little boy holding up his hands, someone lying on the ground, and a bishop dressed in gold.

This card does look ominous and scary, but in the background we see the sun rising over a beautiful river.

Time for change - frog

Time for change

The Death card is one of the scariest-looking cards in the deck and creates much fear and apprehension in people.

However, this is actually a card of transformation and change…

 …a card of hope.

This card does not symbolise that you are going to die. We will all leave our physical bodies at some point, but this card is NOT prophetic, so you can breathe a sigh of relief.

In Tarot, death means transformation – change.

It is time for something to end.

This could be the end of a way of thinking or a way of behaving.

sunflower clock

Time for change

It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, rich or poor, or identify as male or female (symbolised by the people on the card), death/change comes to us all.

Something is dying to make way for a new beginning, and this is symbolised by the sunrise on the card.

So, don’t be afraid during the month of October if things feel uncomfortable and there is a change in your life.

Stop sign

Try not to resist change

We instinctively want to resist change – we fear change, we fear the unknown and we want everything to stay the same.


But nothing stays the same.

We see this in nature. Spring blossoms into Summer, which makes way for Autumn and then turns into the dark death of Winter, plants blossom and die, and animals are born, grow, and die.

We are here to evolve. The more we can accept and embrace the change that is happening this month, the easier it will be.

It is when we avoid or resist change that we find life becomes a greater struggle.

Breathe through and sit with the ‘uncomfortableness’ that you feel. Try not to resist or avoid the change.

Things will get easier! The struggle is not forever.

The sun will rise again and be reassured that something better is on its way!

butterfly emerging from a cocoon

Wishing you much light and love at this challenging time of change.

Lee-Anne x

1 thoughts on “Tarot Message October 2023

  1. Pingback: October New Moon & Solar Eclipse (Libra) - Way Of The Butterfly

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