Tarot message for May 2023

This morning I asked for a Tarot message that would show us what we need to focus on for the month of May.

The result was Justice.



Solar eclipse - ring of fire

Solar Eclipse

Last month we were given The Devil card, and we have recently gone through a solar eclipse in Aries.

These energies are all about new beginnings and fire energy. We were encouraged to ‘burn away’ old patterns and ways of thinking and start anew.

Now as we are emerging from these challenging times, we are being asked to look at the Justice card a little closer.

The Justice Card and what it means.

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see a woman sitting between 2 pillars.

She holds a sword in her right hand and a pair of scales in her left hand. Behind her is the purple curtain (of wisdom) and she wears a red cloak. Next to her sits a yellow or golden owl.


The sword in her ‘action’ hand (or right hand) stands for the sword of truth. Truth cuts through falsehoods and false perceptions. In her left hand, she holds a pair of scales in perfect balance. The owl watches over her, and reminds us of the saying ‘as wise as an owl’.

Be as wise as an owl

Note also that this is a woman sitting on a chair, not a warrior on horseback, charging into the battle.

Justice in the language of the soul is not about retribution and punishment.

Rather it is more about using our intuition to see the truth about a situation or about ourselves.

Then we are equipped to use our wisdom and clear vision (remember the owl has large eyes) to see the truth and act in a balanced and fair way.

Remember that when we believe we are right and the other person is wrong, it becomes easy for us to shut down our ability to listen.

However, perhaps the other person has an interesting perspective that we may never have considered; but if we don’t practise working with balance, we may never learn and grow from the experience.

The Parable of the Elephant

(as taken from Wikipedia)

‘There’s an old parable about a group of blind men who heard that a strange animal, called an elephant, had been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and form.

book filled with butterflies

Out of curiosity, they said: “We must inspect and know it by touch, of which we are capable”. So, they sought it out, and when they found it, they each a different part.

The first person whose hand landed on the trunk, said, “This being is like a thick snake”.

To the second man whose hand reached its ear, it seemed like a kind of fan.

The third man, whose hand was upon its leg, said, “The elephant is a pillar like a tree-trunk”.

The fourth blind man, who placed his hand upon its side, remarked that the elephant “is a wall”.

And another man who felt its tail, described it as a rope.

The last blind man felt its tusk, stating that, “The elephant is that which is hard, smooth and like a spear.”

The moral of the story is that all the men were correct – they just had a different perspective of the truth.

Therefore let us not jump to believing that our point of view is the absolute truth, but rather remember that it may be wiser to consider that our view of a situation, another person, or ourselves…may be limited.

So, during the month of May, remember the elephant story, before you seek to judge a person, situation, or indeed your own shortcomings.

Questions to ask and journal:

  1. When someone upsets me, how do I react? (Do I react in explosive anger, or can I control my strong emotions?)
  2. When someone offers a different viewpoint that I disagree with, can I listen to them without jumping in to tell them why I’m right?

This is an opportunity for us to grow and expand our awareness of ourselves, how we react to various situations and experiences, and how we can learn to use our wisdom in a skilful manner for all involved.

Wishing you much light and love as always,



1 thoughts on “Tarot message for May 2023

  1. Pingback: May Full Moon – Way Of The Butterfly

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