Tarot Message April 2024

What do we need to focus on for April?

The answer is in the Ace of Swords reversed (upside down).

Our thoughts are powerful!

Ace of Swords upside down

Ace of Swords


Ace of Swords (reversed) card and what it means.

Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we see a beautiful sword wrapped in a wreath (of success) and a palm leaf (of peace). A hand comes out of the cloud from the left side (the feminine side) and holds the sword upside down.

There are many interpretations for this card, but everyone agrees that the suit of Swords represents air and air symbolises thoughts and ideas.

The Ace shows us that this is a time of new beginnings, new ideas, and new plans.

storm clouds

Some interpretations say that because this card is reversed, it represents cloudy thoughts, delayed action, and/or chaos.

I think this card does represent these ideas but also shows that we can expect the external circumstances in the world to be chaotic and jumbled during April.

knight kneeling with his sword down

However, the other message in this card is that when a sword is upright, the sword holder is ready for action and prepared for battle, whereas a lowered sword indicates a state of rest, and that the sword may be guarding something precious.

Can we look inside ourselves and ask the question: Does every battle need to be fought?

Perhaps we need to focus on centering ourselves instead and allow our ideas and thoughts to rest calmly before we act out of impulse and heightened emotion.

Thoughts are powerful! Thoughts become words and words turn into actions. We need to examine our thoughts and ask if the actions we want to take are truthfully in our highest good.

I have heard the statement ‘I speak my truth’, but the addendum to this should be, ‘I speak my truth with kindness in a balanced way’.

During medieval times, a knight who learned to use a sword spent years mastering the skill. The knight needed to remember that:

  • The sword was a weapon and should be used with care and focus.
  • The student had to learn to balance both his/her body, as well as the sword. Practice and a teacher were invaluable to learning.
  • The environment played a key role – so it was important to be aware of the surroundings to ensure success.

We can apply these principles to ourselves in these times:

  • Use our words with care and skill.
  • Inner balance, mindfulness, and a support structure are vital to help us along the way.
  • If we become aware of the situation from all perspectives it will give us clarity and understanding. It will help us to pause rather than react to other people’s words and actions.

I hope that we will all use the month of April to consider our thoughts, words, and actions, before reacting in the heat of the moment.

Lee-Anne x

Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article helpful in some way for wherever you are on your journey.
Please feel free to share with friends and family, and I look forward to our next meeting.

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