March New Moon (Aries)

The new moon occurs on Tuesday 21st March 2023, the day after the equinox. We are now in the fiery energy of Aries and both the equinox and new moon together create a powerful time for us all.

the ram


(the Ram)

New moons call us to go inward and become thoughtful as we have the opportunity to reset our intentions and plans for the coming month.

The Jungian archetype of Aries is that of the warrior. Aries is also the first sign of the zodiac year, and signifies both new beginnings and creative fire.   

Eight of Cups

At the beginning of March, we were given the 8 of Cups Tarot card, calling us to put away small things and look to a higher purpose. We were encouraged to meditate and quieten the mind of distractions.

Now we are being asked to leave our comfort zone and create a new identity for ourselves. We are not stuck in one identity, although sometimes we believe this to be true.

We are made ‘in the image of God’ and Divine energy is a creative energy. We therefore have the creative spark burning inside of us, encouraging us to take the initiative and start something new.

And that something new… is US!

Who would you like to be?

If you could be anything, what would you be?

It’s time to dream bigger about ourselves than we’ve ever done in the past. The old identities are being stripped away.

Have you considered creating a Dream Board?

According to psychologists, this can increase confidence, motivation and even physical performance.

NOW is the time to do one and there are no rules!

Guidelines on how to create a Dream Board

  1. Take a moment to meditate and reflect on who you want to be, what you want to achieve and how you want to feel.
  2. Look for pictures and words from magazines, Google images or Pinterest that describe your goal and how you want to FEEL about yourself.
  3. Paste these onto  a piece of card (as big as you like).
  4. Put the dream board somewhere prominent (somewhere you will see it  EVERY DAY). The key is to look at it as often as possible.
  5. Feel free to update your dream board when needed.

Wishing you much light and love as always

Lee-Anne x

1 thoughts on “March New Moon (Aries)

  1. Pingback: Tarot Message for April 2023 - Way Of The Butterfly

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