Tarot Message for April 2023

This morning I asked for a Tarot message that would show us what we need to focus on for the month of April. The result was The Devil…. again!

We had this card come up last October, so I asked the guides why they had brought it to our attention again… 6 months later.

the devil

The Devil

The message I received was that the earth is in a time of great upheaval and change. We only need to turn on the news to hear of wars, uprisings, strikes, demonstrations as well as drought, floods, earthquakes and the list goes on.

How are we supposed to get through each day when it’s easy to fall into feeling overwhelmed, panicky or angry with situations and the state of the world?

We came through the pandemic and the world changed. It can be hard to find one’s feet through all the upheaval.

Turn inwards

Our spirit guides and the angels who help us, want us to be aware that while it’s easy to look outward, our focus needs to be to LOOK WITHIN.

Turn inwards.

Know thyself

Our environment shows us that times have changed and are continuing to change, and we can’t go back to the way things were before.

writing with quill and ink

Journal every day

The way to cope and even flourish is when we acknowledge and accept that we are called to change on the inside as well… to examine our very beliefs and choose to expand into light, love, inspiration and truth.  

the ram


(the Ram)

This fits in with the energy available to us now as we are in the astrological sign of Aries. Aries is about new beginnings, but we need to clear away the old, low vibrations in order to make space for being able to live in a higher vibration.

How does this card then relate to the month of April and what are we being asked to heal and transform?

Let’s look at the card a little closer …

When we look at the card from Juliet Sharman-Burke’s deck, we the devil sitting in the dark, above a box, holding a flaming torch trying to set the people on fire. The people (a man and a woman) have chains around their necks and at first glance, the circumstances look dire.

the devil

However, look a little closer and you will see that the people only have chains around their necks and their hands are in fact, free. All they need to do is to untie themselves and walk out of their prison.

But, before we can be free, we need to become aware of and let go of the old, stagnant, negative beliefs that hold us back from being mentally and emotionally free.

The Devil card therefore represents our shadow side and asks us to look objectively at our fears, our anger, our resentments,  our holding on to the past… and let these go.

man taking off a mask

What masks do you hold?

We are being asked to look at ourselves objectively, then release attachments and inflexibility of beliefs.

We then need to forgive both ourselves and others to unhook, release and be free. 

We may also wish to find a spiritual healer or spiritual counsellor/therapist to help us. 

Questions to ask and journal:

  1. What way of thinking or belief am I attached to?
  2. Who am I willing to forgive – to unhook and release myself for wanting ‘justice’ or retribution?
  3. How do I react when triggered?
  4. What am I addicted to? (e.g. food for emotional comfort, alcohol to numb the raw, deep emotions of anger, sex as a substitute for real connection, dependence on somone else, wanting things to stay the same).

The good news is that once we become aware of and heal these blocks and restrictions, they will be gone forever, and we will be able to expand into a life filled with greater joy, more light and a deeper sense of love.

Wishing you much light and love as always,

Lee-Anne x

2 thoughts on “Tarot Message for April 2023

  1. Pingback: April Full Moon – Way Of The Butterfly

  2. Pingback: April New Moon (Aries 2) – Way Of The Butterfly

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